1.: Ask marketing if we can schedule the Turner cover as a variant for WOLVERINE #59, the start of Ed Brubaker's first multi-part storyline. I think a variant makes sense because a) between the Dave Johnson covers and the Jock covers, we have enough covers to use and b) #58 will be the Lapham/Gaydos issue. A fill-in issue almost always gets lower orders than usual. And I don't want readers to drop the book. If anything, I want new readers to come in with #59, a great jumping-on point with a killer cliffhanger.
2.: With BLACK PANTHER already on board, I'm rushing through the bullpen, talking with the editors of the following books: IRON MAN, the AVENGERS books and the adjectiveless X-MEN. January will have the start of BALANCE OF POWER. I'm coordinating the tie-ins. Which books will be connected to the crossover? When will they ship? How do we avoid seven tie-ins in one week, with none for the next two weeks? Ideally, at least two tie-ins should ship in any week for the duration of this event.
3.: Once the creative team for Balance of Power is settled, the plot is finalized and we know which ongoings by other editors tie into this, I contact the Marvel Handbook editors about the BALANCE OF POWER TRAVEL GUIDE.
4.: I ask Joe Straczynski, Paul Jenkins and one or two writers of the most important tie-ins if they are interested in writing a couple of lines for Wizard about the characters in BALANCE OF POWER. Alternatively, if they would like to do one big roundtable interview with Ben Morse.
5.: With stores only getting one promo sheet at once, we offer Wizard printing all four in their books (though not exclusively, as we plan to offer wallpaper versions of those posters on Marvel.com), along with commentary by series editor Philip Schaeffer, Marvel EiC Sean Kleefeld and the writers that agreed to do this. Why were those characters chosen for the promotion? What's behind those taglines? What role will they play in Balance of Power? Rounding things up with character sketches and perhaps the cover of #1 (once that's done and approved)? What does the Marketing department say about that? If they give their okay, I call Ben.
I'd leave Paul Jenkins out of this by name.
Meaning he hasn't officially signed on.
Alright. But at the time I ask him we'd know if he signed on or not, so I'll just change it into "Paul Jenkins (or whoever winds up writing the Frontline book)", okay?
Or should I leave the Frontline book out at all? Patrick? Who is the replacement team for the Frontline book? That was yours, right?
Yeah yeah yeah. I employ those (or whoever you let me use) like whoa.
Not to continue to take exception to your section two bullpen rush... I don't know, man. There's nothing wrong with it, I'm being crazy. I'm concerned about Tom just shutting us down on trying to have Avengers and several other titles tie into this.
Also, I guess I misunderstood you earlier, while the Black Panther editorial creative teams are on board for Rise of the Defenders and input for Balance of Power, I guess they haven't technically signed off on Balance tie-ins.
I don't think you say anything contrary to this. I'm just being paranoid. And thereby parannoying. Everything here's fine.
So what do you want me to do? Change it? Leave it?
I want to be capable of putting together a sentence. Clearly I'm not.
I'm saying that when I first read your post that part made me uneasy since elements of it seemed to assume/overstep bounds. But that's just my reaction, and I'm reading it too closely. I think it's perfectly fine.
I guess what I'm saying is never listen to me again. I'll just sit in the corner humming softly to myself, and then occasionally say things like "the angry-eyed sparrow has flown through the tower wheat" and stare dreamy-eyed into space. You guys will think I'm crazy but then some monsters will attack and I'll have been trying to warn you guys. But by then it will be too late...
Okay, now I am thinking of getting a restraining order against you...
Good with the exception of the Jenkins thing as already noted.
I tend to view restraining "orders" as restraining "strong suggestions." That's fair warning for when I decide a night in the slammer is worth showing you the bacon hockey mask I hotglued together for you.
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