Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thwiiipp! Bring on Spidey!

Okay, so let's see, I get the titles where the title character has just revealed his secret identity to the world at large, where his doddering Aunt, with him since day one, lies at death's door with a bullet in her, and where his spouse was the genie that couldn't be put back in the bottle by the previous EIC. Oh yeah, and he's got a box-office record shattering movie playing at a theatre near you.

Sounds like fun!


Michael Heide said...

And here I was wondering when you'd show up. Let me make this official: Welcome aboard, Patrick.

I already had a pitch for both Spider-titles before I found out what series we'd get, so if you like to find out what I think about the books, read this:

Oh, and don't forget to find out if there's still a "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" whose editor you'll have to coordinate with.


Patrick Cook said...

So Sean, I got's to know. Whither goest Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man? Is that title getting the axe, and if so, what's the reasoning behind it?

I've got some ideas I'm ready to fire off, but I'm trying to determine the current status of the rest of the Spiderverse.

Lemme know, I await your feedback, oh Omnipotent Odin.

Philip Schaeffer said...

Do Clone Wars, part two!

It turns out all this time Spider-Man's been a clone of Gwen Stacey who had a sex change operation!

That way Peter Parker can be Spider-Man again and nobody will know who he is anymore! Oh, and make sure to change Spidey's costume a few times.

That's all you need to know.