Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Editor Interviews

Here's a marketing end thought that I want to put out there. As EIC, I'm going to try to make myself super-available to comic news groups (Wizard, Newsarama, FBR, etc) but I'd like to note that you guys -- as editors of relatively high profile books -- should at least be receptive to, if not active in seeking, interview requests. I have no idea what kind of curves Tom might throw at us, but I want you to be ready for folks to come knocking on your door to ask you about what your plans are, why you choose such-n-such creative teams, etc.

Especially as we solidify creative teams and establish (potentially) new directions, I want you all to be proactive in not just putting out good books, but also in making sure that people know about them!

FYI, I'm going to post something to that effect on Tom's blog as well.

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